Session 4.4 Enhancing satellite imagery through "morphing" transitions (Invited Presentation)

Wednesday, 22 September 2004: 11:30 AM
Anthony J. Wimmers, CIMSS, Madison, WI; and C. S. Velden

Presentation PDF (383.0 kB)

"Morphing" is a term that describes a broad category of digital image algorithms used to create smooth, seamless transitions between two or more images. In satellite imagery, morphing can be used to simulate image sequences at a temporal resolution that is higher than the original instrument capabilities. We present the latest developments in satellite image morphing applications that increase temporal resolution and substitute for missing data sectors, creating time sequences that have fewer impediments to interpretation than the raw imagery (due to problems in the raw imagery such as missing data and irregular time intervals). Examples from GOES and SSMI observations will be presented. We also discuss the theoretical limits of this approach.
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