Poster Session P1.9 Applications of synthetic GOES-R observations for mesoscale weather analysis and forecasting

Monday, 20 September 2004
John F. Dostalek, CIRA, Ft. Collins, CO; and L. Grasso, M. Sengupta, and M. DeMaria

Handout (285.7 kB)

Output from a numerical cloud model is used in a radiative transfer model to produce synthetic imagery similar to that which will become available on the next-generation GOES satellites (starting with GOES-R). This method is being applied to simulations of mesoscale weather events, including tropical cyclones, severe thunderstorms, and lake effect snow. As a first test of this method, synthetic imagery for the current series of GOES satellites has been generated for the case studies. Comparison of the real and synthetic imagery will be presented. The method is also being applied to assess the utility of the GOES-R sounder (the Hyperspectral Environmental Suite, HES). Synthetic Derived Product Imagery (DPI) is being generated for various temporal and horizontal resolutions, and the utility of the GOES-R HES will be compared to that from the current GOES.
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