P4.1 Science and technology roadmap of NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)**

Tuesday, 21 September 2004
Marie C. Colton, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and A. M. Powell Jr.

In a few short years, a new era of operational satellite meteorology and oceanography will be upon us with the launch of the NASA NPOESS Preparatory Program satellite (2007), followed shortly after by the first NPOESS satellite (2009). In addition, major changes are being planned for NOAA’s GOES-R instrument suite, which will be launched in 2012. National and international satellite instruments from both research and operational agencies will contribute to the Global Earth Observing system, being developed now in the diplomatic and strategic planning arenas. In order to prepare for maximum utilization of the new data in support of user requirements, NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and research (STAR) has completed significant internal and external assessments of our research and applications programs.

Over a period of nearly two years, STAR scientists and managers have evaluated our scientific, technological, and administrative directions which support current and future NOAA mission goals with appropriate remotely sensed data. The core tasks included (1) requirements analysis, (2) roadmap and plan development, (3) strategic plan development, (4) operational and scientific planning, (5) cost/schedule analysis for consistency with future satellite sensors and programs, and (6) development of an associated research and development performance management approach that measures progress towards our research and applications objectives. This poster presents the results of this comprehensive effort to chart a course from the present set of operational satellites to the future.

** pending final approval, formerly Office of Research and Applications

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