Our numerically exact STMM results reveal that depending on the mode of soot–water mixing, the soot specific absorption can vary by a factor exceeding 6.5. The absorption is maximized when the soot material gets quasi-uniformly distributed throughout the droplet interior in the form of numerous small monomers. The absorption is minimal when black carbon exists in the form of larger homogeneous particles mixed with cloud droplets externally or semi-externally. The presence of soot has other noticeable manifestations such as its effects on the single-scattering co-albedo (and hence cloud albedo) and the elements of the scattering matrix. It is beyond the scope of this talk to discuss the relative plausibility of the various mixing scenarios studied. However, the morphological range captured by these scenarios implies a wide range of remote-sensing and radiation-budget implications of the presence of black carbon in liquid-water clouds.
An important byproduct of our study is the first quantitative analysis of the accuracy of the MGA as applied to micrometer-sized water droplets mixed with black carbon. It appears that the only worthwhile application of the MGA is the calculation of the optical cross sections, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter for the quasi-uniform mixing scenario.