Several in-situ cloud microphysical probes, including a particle volume monitor probe (PVM) for measuring liquid water content and two-dimensional cloud and precipitation probes (2DC and 2DP) for measuring cloud and precipitation particle size and habit distributions, acquired data during the C-130 flights. When data from these probes are combined with the ground-based X-band radar measurements of differential reflectivity (Zdr), correlation coefficient (ρhv), and radial velocity, great insight into the microphysical processes and kinematic structures of the clouds can be obtained. The best estimates of cloud particle parameters (size and shape distributions, aspect ratios, projected areas, liquid water contents) are used to represent particles as soft spheroids, which, when combined with T-matrix theory provides estimates of reflectivity (Z) and Zdr which can be compared against measurements of Z and Zdr at the aircraft's position by the MAX radar.