Monday, 7 July 2014
Stratocumulus (Sc) , which is more stable and has less liquid water content (LWC) than cumulus, is the main cloud to be modified by aeroplane during the rain enhancement season in Guangxi, China, for the consideration of flight safety. The precipitation from Sc are somewhat uniform. However, there are the convective cells frequently embedded in the Sc in spring in Guangxi aera , with LWC more larger than the surrounding. By using the data from the Chinese Next Generation Radar (CINRAD), along with the data of airborne instruments and rain-gauge networks, the effect for a cloud seeding in the convective cells was evaluated. It showed that , after the seeding, enhancement of precipitation and radar echo from the convective cells were more evident than the surrounding Sc, or 0.5~1.0 mm/hr and 3~5 db from the convective cells were bigger than the surrounding Sc, which to some extent, revealed that the convective cells has more potential than the Sc for rainfall enhancement.