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Radar observation showed that the clouds with SCD layers had stratiform characteristics with the maximum radar reflectivity around 30 dBZ and the horizontal extents were tens of kilometers. Cloud-top heights estimated from videosonde images and radiosonde data were about 3000 m for the three cases. Triple SCD layers were present in a cloud at 11 February while single SCD layers were at 25 and 27 February. A common feature of the cases was that SCD layers were present at the tops of clouds. The thicknesses of cloud-top SCD layers were between 60 m and 230 m and the temperature ranged from -21°C to -25.5°C. The potential temperature profiles were close to the absolutely neutral stratification around the cloud-top SCD layers. Strong stable and very dry layers were present right above the cloud-top SCD layers.
Although number of observation cases is small, SCDs were present at high frequency at the tops of non-frontal stratiform clouds formed in northern Japan. As compared to the Arctic clouds with long-lasting cloud-top SCD layers, the present cases were shorter in the lifetimes and were characterized by dry profiles right above the SCD layers.