All GEO imagers contain IR window (11µm) and water vapor (6.7µm) channels. These imager radiances need to be converted into LW broadband fluxes. Due to the lack of simultaneous GEO and CERES radiances, Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) IR measurements, with similar wavelengths as the GEO imagers, are convolved spatially to match the CERES footprints. The matched MODIS and CERES radiances are used to derive the LW narrowband to broadband coefficients as a function of satellite view angle, surface type, PW, IR radiance, and surface type. To take into account the GEO and MODIS spectral channel differences the GEO IR radiances are first inter-calibrated against MODIS. The GEO LW fluxes are then normalized with CERES fluxes in order to radiometrically scale the GEO fluxes to CERES. The derived GEO LW fluxes are validated against the CERES and GERB observed fluxes. This LW narrowband to broadband approach is an improvement over earlier CERES GEO enhanced flux products.