For this purpose, a 14 yearlong dataset of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aerosol and cloud products is co-located with the land usage product of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Analysis of both cloud fraction (CF) and CF of low clouds in East-Asia shows a decrease over the observed domain, with an average of ~-0.2 %/yr and ~-0.4 %/yr, respectively. Closer observation shows that these trends are different in urbanized regions, when the overall mean values of lower clouds CF inside urbanized areas is 27%±4% lower than in rural areas. Similar analyses for other densely populated regions (e.g. India, US east-coast, and Europe) did not find clear difference in the mean CF values between urbanized and rural environments. We suggest a combined dynamical and microphysical mechanism to explain this unique link, as observed in East Asia.