In order to identify areas where climate models may poorly represent cloud-aerosol interactions, model data is compared with satellite observations. Here we use cloud and aerosol properties available from the MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite (i.e. aerosol optical depth and cloud fraction), and then analyze thee analogous cloud and aerosol properties from CMIP5 models that explicitly include aerosol-cloud interactions. These models include the GFDL am3 and cm3, GISS e2h and e2r, and the NCAR cam5. Similarities and differences between the MODIS and model data are then identified and visualized by calculating the differences between the two data sets to identify regions of the Earth where the models over- or under-predict aerosol or cloud amount.. Through the use of map visualizations, regions and seasons of interest are identified to focus on different aerosols, such as biomass burning smoke, dust, or industrial pollution. Once regions and seasons of interest are identified, the analysis of both the microphysical and radiative effects of aerosols with respect to clouds will be completed by calculating Koren Curves for both the model and satellite data sets. Thus, it will be possible to assess the ability of the CMIP5 models that explicitly include aerosol-cloud interactions to accurately represent satellite observations of aerosols and clouds and their observed relationships.