We analyze Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) storms from Colorado, Oklahoma, and Alabama, representing different storm environments, to connect the aircraft measurements of a range of soluble gases (e.g. nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, formaldehyde, methyl hydrogen peroxide) and aerosols to the storm properties and environment observations. These observations include aircraft measurements of ice water content, radar reflectivity (including hydrometeor structure), radar vertical velocities, and pre-storm soundings of convective available potential energy (CAPE) and wind shear.
A 2-component mixture model is used to estimate scavenging and transport efficiencies. In general, more scavenging occurred in the Oklahoma and Colorado storms that had high precipitating ice mass, strong peak updrafts, and high CAPE and high 0-6 km shear storm environments than the Alabama storm. Interestingly, two Colorado storms that developed in the same storm environment exhibited more scavenging in the smaller storm (with smaller peak updrafts and precipitating ice mass, but likely more entrainment) than in the larger storm. Further analysis with hydrometeor content and cloud particle imaging data and of other DC3 storms will be presented.