The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with the double-moment Morrison microphysical scheme is used to simulate continental convective storms at different sites within past (1970-1999) and future (2070-2099) environments derived from NCAR CCSM3 model output. The storms are initiated with warm bubbles to force the convection in an idealized sense.
Initial results show dynamically stronger future storms with shorter lifetimes that produce greater amounts of rain within the storms and higher rainrates at the surface, and less graupel/hail. The warm rain process is found to play more of a role in the initial rain production in the future storms; the melting of graupel/hail contributes an equal amount at later times. Graupel/hail production starts slightly later in the future storms owing to a higher freezing level where the freezing of raindrops initiates rimed particles; the faster rain production in the future storms also decreases the amount of cloud water that is available for collection by graupel/hail. Thus the contribution of ice processes to surface rainfall is decreased in the future storms. Calculations of the time-varying precipitation efficiency of the storms show higher values in the future storms. The consistency of these results over multiple sites around the U.S. will be examined. The causes and implications of the greater rainrates, surface rainfall and precipitation efficiency in at least some, if not all, of the future storms will also be discussed.