This talk will revisit some of the history of the GERB project, recap the instrument design and science specification and present some highlights from over a decade of observations that have been obtained so far from the series of GERB instruments. We will discuss some of the science results that have been obtained with the data and show the unique insight that these observations can provide on rapidly changes components of the climate system, such as cloud and aerosol, as well as the detail they can resolve on the diurnal cycle and the impact this understanding can have on longer term averages. The talk will also consider the challenges presented by the observations and discuss the ongoing work to provide a seamless stable record for climate research. Finally, looking forward to the next decade, from the launch of the fourth and last in the GERB series of instruments next year, to the possibly of obtaining observations over the Indian ocean when the planned relocation of METEOSAT-8 takes place, the talk will also address the future observations, the new data products that are expected to be made available to the scientific community and the long term legacy of the project.