Monday, 7 July 2014
NASA Langley Cloud and Radiation Research Group retrieves cloud and radiation properties from 5 operational geostationary (GEO) satellites. These hourly pixel level-2 satellite products, from 2000-present, will be available on NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) repository and made locally available to the CERES Temporal Algorithm subsystem, however, the access to this data by other tools and applications can be non trivial and cumbersome. Providing access to this information to validation and visualization tools can be a challenge due to of the large volume of data, format, access method limitation, and security restrictions. We propose a Satellite Product Access Service (SPAS) Framework to publish, discover, distribute, and interact with the data via HTTP. SPAS Framework will provide the browser or user application and tools the capability to interactively search, request, subsect, retrieve, generate plots, imagery and loops, and interrogate the data products. SPAS is a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) designed API used to interact with the repository's services. The input and output from the HTTP request and response are presented in a standardized and well-known Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)'s Web Processing Service (WPS) interface standard. With the use of WPS, we will develope a prototype visualization tool for validating GEO retrieved radiances and clouds with CERES from ASDC repository and discuss access using standardized WPS methods.