The extent to which extratropical eddy fluxes of potential vorticity and surface potential temperature can influence the strength of the Hadley cell is investigated in numerical simulations of idealized atmospheric circulations. For a dry atmosphere that is heated in a hemispherically symmetric manner, the axisymmetric Hadley circulation is much weaker than the Hadley circulation of the Earth atmosphere. In contrast, the Hadley circulation in the presence of baroclinic eddies is of a strength consistent with observations, suggesting that, in this idealized dry model, baroclinic eddies play a pivotal role in driving the Hadley circulation. Results will be presented that quantify the extent to which extratropical circulation parameters such as the surface potential temperature gradient influence the tropical Hadley circulation in the idealized dry model. Experiments are under way to determine to what extent the results for the dry atmospheres carry over to moist atmospheres.
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