Impacts of double-moment bulk cloud microphysical scheme in tropical and midlatitude mesoscale convective system
Yuya Baba, JAMSTEC, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Japan; and K. Takahashi
A new double-moment bulk cloud microphysical scheme is developed based on a single-moment scheme, and the impacts of double-moment are examined in tropical and midlatitude mesoscale convective system. Two-dimensional squall line experiments are first performed using different two atmospheric conditions (i.e., tropical and midlatitude), and the impacts are investigated from analysis on statistics and behavior of the simulated squall lines. Two-dimensional radiative convective equilibrium experiments are additionally performed also for analyzing the double-moment impacts and validate the water cycle balance which is simulated by the double-moment scheme.
Poster Session 2, Poster session II
Wednesday, 3 August 2011, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Marquis Salon 3
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