Orographic mesoscale wave, propagation and interaction with large-scale circulation in WRF model
Wanli Wu, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and Y. Liu, J. Knievel, and T. T. Warner
Multi-scale interaction is one of crucial processes in weather and climate prediction. In this exploratory study, three-dimensional WRF model is used as an atmosphere proxy to investigate orographic mesoscale wave, its propagation, and interaction with large-scale processes. A high-resolution global WRF simulation serves a prefect model product, and a set of experiments with two-way nested WRF are then conducted to study the mechanics of orographic mesoscale processes and feedback to large-scale atmospheric circulation. Detailed spectral analysis is applied to the experimental results.
Session 13, Theoretical and modeling studies of mesoscale processes II
Thursday, 4 August 2011, 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Marquis Salon 456
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