As in previous studies, the environmental conditions are simplified. To trigger convective cells, a warm bubble perturbation (with a maximum of 2 K at the center, a 10 km horizontal radius and a 1.4 km vertical radius) is superimposed on an initial homogeneous base state derived from analytic temperature and moisture profiles, similar to those used in Weisman and Klemp (1982, 1984). Directionally varying wind shear profiles are used. The lower condition is represented by flat terrain. Simulations are conducted without surface physics package and atmospheric radiative heating. The Coriolis force is neglected.
Sensitivity to horizontal resolution is first tested with horizontal grid-spacing ranging from 4 km to 500 m. The impact of different parameters (such as vertical resolution, time step duration, ) and model configuration (numerical diffusion, microphysical set-up with or without ice processes ) is also assessed in the context of different environmental conditions (different wind shear profiles ) favoring supercell formation.
The dynamic evolution of storm cells is analyzed and the experiments are assessed using different diagnostics (cell size, cold pool intensity, propagation speed, time evolution of vertical velocity, integrated precipitation, convective cell trajectories, mean vertical profile of hydrometeors ). Kinetic energy spectra are also used to evaluate the energy distribution into both models and their effective resolution (Lindborg, 1999; Skamarock, 2004).