13th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation

Session 1

 Remote Sensing I
 Organizer: Kenneth Knapp, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
9:00 AM1.1(Abstract 92496 moved to JP2.27) WSR-88D Radar Data Services at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center  
Stephen Del Greco, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
9:15 AM1.2The challenges for an operational wind profiler—remote and unattended  extended abstract
John Nash, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; and T. Oakley
9:30 AM1.3LIDAR based Measurements of Turbulent Dissipation above Urban Areas  extended abstract
Marko Princevac, Univ. of California, Riverside, CA; and P. Diagne and R. Calhoun
9:45 AM1.4Comparison of precipitation fields estimated by gage, radar and multiple sensors (gage and radar) for SE Wisconsin and NE Illinois  extended abstract
Nancy E. Westcott, ISWS, Champaign, IL; and H. V. Knapp
1.5Analysis of Multi-Peak Picking (MPP) and NIMA Signal Processing On The Met Office's Operational VHF Radar Wind Profiler  
Herb Winston, Vaisala, Boulder, CO; and R. Lehtinen

Monday, 20 June 2005: 9:00 AM-10:15 AM, South Ballroom

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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