15th Conf. on Biometeorology/Aerobiology and 16th International Congress of Biometeorology

Session 5C

 Emerging Technologies: Human
 Organizer: Buruhani S. Nyenzi, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva Switzerland
1:00 PM5C.1Biometeorology and Adaptation Guidelines for Country Studies  extended abstract
H. Auld, MSC, Toronto, ON, Canada; and D. MacIver, N. Urquizo, and A. Fenech
1:15 PM5C.2Biometeorology and Adaptation in the context of Climate Change and Biodiversity  extended abstract
Don C. MacIver, MSC, Downsview, ON, Canada; and N. Urquizo and H. Auld
1:30 PM5C.3Exploring new pathways for investigating climate-biosphere feedback processes: Integrating fine resolution satellite land cover data sets into mesoscale climate models.  
Jimmy O. Adegoke, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO; and K. P. Gallo and R. A. Pielke
1:45 PM5C.4Satellite-based analysis of global urban heat-island temperatures  
Kevin P. Gallo, NOAA/NESDIS, Sioux Falls, SD; and J. O. Adegoke and T. W. Owen
2:00 PM5C.5Integrating Satellite and Climate Data for US Drought Mapping and Monitoring: First Steps  extended abstract
Jesslyn F. Brown, USGS/EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD; and T. Tadesse and B. C. Reed
2:15 PM5C.6Data mining and knowledge discovery of drought in Nebraska  extended abstract
Tsegaye Tadesse, National Drought Mitigation Center and University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and M. J. Hayes, D. A. Wilhite, and S. K. Harms

Tuesday, 29 October 2002: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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