15th Conf on Biometeorology and Aerobiology and the 16th International Congress of Biometeorology

Tuesday, 29 October 2002
Effects of different term of exposure to hot environment on metabolic response by sheep
Umberto Bernabucci, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; and B. Ronchi, N. Lacetera, and A. Nardone
Effects of different term of exposure to hot environments on metabolic response was studied in four adult not-pregnant and not-lactating Sardinian ewes housed in a climatic chamber. The trial lasted 83 days. Fifteen days were spent under thermal comfort (TC) conditions (temperature-humidity index (THI)=65.0±4.0), 48 days were spent under hot environment (HE) conditions (THI=82.0±3.5) and the last 18 days were spent under TC (THI=65.0±1.0).

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