15th Conf on Biometeorology and Aerobiology and the 16th International Congress of Biometeorology

Tuesday, 29 October 2002: 1:15 PM
Biometeorology and Adaptation in the context of Climate Change and Biodiversity
Don C. MacIver, MSC, Downsview, ON, Canada; and N. Urquizo and H. Auld
Poster PDF (185.6 kB)

Don C. MacIver, N. Urquizo and H. Auld

Meteorological Service of Canada Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario, Canada M3H 5T4

In 1999 at the International Society of Biometeorology Congress, this topic was selected as a new commission and work began to better understand the interlinkages between these issues. Following a planning meeting in Costa Rica, a series of projects were undertaken to assess the state of science; to develop an interlinking framework; to document relevant research literature; to pro-actively interconnect adaptation to international conventions (ie. IPCC, Convention on Biological Diversity) and agencies (ie. UNESCO/GTOS); to identify a functional set of transfer functions; and to formulate guidelines and electronic products to support the development of country studies. In the latter case, an Integrated Mapping Assessment Project (IMAP) and a Lifestyle Meteorology Project have been developed as adaptation tools to connect the science of biometeorology to issues, such as climate change and biodiversity. A CD-ROM, a web site, methodologies, and electronic products will be presented at the Congress.

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