15th Conf on Biometeorology and Aerobiology and the 16th International Congress of Biometeorology

Tuesday, 29 October 2002
Weather Data Processor Using Commercial Weather Station System to Generate Cattle Livestock Safety Index
R. A. Eigenberg, USDA/ARS, Clay Center, NE; and J. A. Nienaber, G. L. Hahn, and T. M. Brown-Brandl
Livestock production facilities exist in environments that may differ significantly from the conditions at the closest weather station. Additionally, the livestock safety index is no longer available over commercial radio/television stations for many livestock production areas. A need exists to integrate local weather data as collected by a dedicated weather station located at a feedlot into single livestock safety factor accessible to livestock producers for management decisions. A low cost commercial weather station was combined with a dedicated microprocessor to produce a weather monitor that displays feedlot cattle heat stress indices based on the combination of temperature and humidity (THI). Discussion will include operational experiences during the summer of 2002.

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