110 A Multi-Sensor Case Study on Validation of Seeding Effect of Cloud Seeding

Monday, 9 July 2018
Regency A/B/C (Hyatt Regency Vancouver)
Seong-Kyu Seo, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Korea Meteorological Administration, Jeju, Korea, Republic of (South); and K. H. Chang, A. R. Ko, J. Y. Jeong, H. Y. Yang, S. Chae, J. H. Choi, and B. J. Kim

Cloud seeding is to enhance precipitation through reinforcement of precipitation formation process by inserting artificial nuclei into the cloud. So, it is a one of useful technology in order to secure water resource. Hygroscopic cloud seeding is one of cloud seeding, and seed the artificial condensation nuclei such as NaCl, CaCl2 into the cloud. The effects of hygroscopic cloud seeding on rainfall enhancement were validated by observations and modeling in many previous studies.

Research weather aircraft of NIMS (National Institute of Meteorological sciences) was introduced at the end of 2017. The aircraft equipped various instruments for four observational missions included weather modification and cloud physics research. Among these instruments, probes for cloud and precipitation measurement such as CDP, CIP, PIP, WCM-2000 etc. are also included. So, we expect to see microphysical changes of cloud by cloud seeding with these probes.

NIMS plan to conduct the hygroscopic cloud seeding experiments in the Gyeong-gi region from April to June 2018 with weather aircraft. So, we will introduce the experimental method and analyzed results.

This work was supported by the program, Research and Development for KMA Weather, Climate, and Earth system Services (NIMS-2016-3100) of National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (NIMS) funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

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