Session 8 Radiative Forcing Revisited

Wednesday, 11 July 2018: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Regency E/F (Hyatt Regency Vancouver)
Host: 15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation
Norman Loeb, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA and Jon Elsey, University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, Reading

10:30 AM
Narrowing the Uncertainty in Radiative Forcing (Invited Presentation)
Robert Pincus, CIRES, Boulder, CO; and E. J. Mlawer, S. A. Buehler, J. Manners, and D. Paynter
11:00 AM
Global Line-by-Line Calculations of Aerosol Radiative Forcing: Understanding Sources of Error in GCM Radiation Codes
David Paynter, NOAA/GFDL, Princeton, NJ; and S. M. Freidenreich, A. L. Jones, D. Feldman, V. Ramaswamy, and W. D. Collins

11:30 AM
Aerosol Radiative Forcing with the MACv2 Aerosol Climatology
Stefan Kinne, Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany
11:45 AM
Towards Quantifying Global Aerosol Radiative Effects Using Lidar
Tyler Thorsen, LRC, Hampton, VA; and R. Ferrare, C. A. Hostetler, S. P. Burton, M. A. Vaughan, X. Liu, S. Stamnes, K. A. Powell, E. Chemyak, and D. Mueller
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner