Poster Session 2A Cloud/Aerosol Remote Sensing, Radiative Properties, Radiative Effects and Feedback on Weather and Climate

Wednesday, 11 July 2018: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Regency A/B/C (Hyatt Regency Vancouver)
Host: 15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation

The Infrared Radiative Impact of Antarctic Clouds
Penny M. Rowe, NorthWest Research Associates, Redmond, WA; and V. Walden, C. Krill, M. Fergoda, and S. P. Neshyba

A New Approach to Estimate Vertical Profile of Aerosol Absorption Coefficient and Single-Scattering Albedo in the Lower Troposphere
Michał T. Chiliński, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and J. Lisok, K. M. Markowicz, O. Zawadzka, and I. S. Stachlewska

The Impact of Recent Frequency in Arctic Haze and Smoke Events on the Radiative Forcing in the Arctic
Justyna Lisok, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and K. M. Markowicz, C. Ritter, P. Makuch, D. Cappelletti, M. Mazzola, and R. Udisti

Where Clouds Warm: Global Observations of the Cloud Impact on Surface Radiation Ratio (CISRR)
Elin A. McIlhattan, Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI; and T. S. L'Ecuyer

Development of GOCI-II Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm: Information Content Analysis
Seoyoung Lee, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and M. Choi and J. Kim

GOCI Yonsei Aerosol Retrieval Version 2 Products: Long-Term Analysis during 2011-2017
Myungje Choi, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and J. Kim, J. Lee, and S. Lee

The Atmospheric Aerosols Retrieved By Multi-Wavelength and -Pixel Method (MWPM)
Makiko Hashimoto, Japan Aerospace Explortion Agency (JAXA), Tsukuba, Japan; and H. Takenaka, T. Nakajima, and A. Higurashi

Cloud Radiative Effect Changed Due to Shading from Above Cloud Absorbing Aerosol in the South East Atlantic
Samuel E. LeBlanc, NASA/ARC, Moffett Field, CA; and J. Redemann, C. Flynn, M. Segal-Rosenheimer, M. Kacenelenbogen, K. Pistone, Y. Shinozuka, K. S. Schmidt, and S. Cochrane

Ship-board Sky-radiometry for Investigating Optical Properties of Maritime Aerosols over Oceans Including Polar Regions
Masataka Shiobara, National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Japan; and H. Kobayashi, N. Tanaka, Y. J. Yoon, S. H. Ahn, J. Jung, and T. J. Choi

A Study on the Organic Aerosol Extinction Apportionment by Multiple Regression Model
Chang Hoon Jung, Kyungin Women's Univ., Incheon, Korea, Republic of (South); and J. Lee, S. H. Han, J. Um, and Y. P. Kim

Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing Observed at a Remote Location in Kenya, East Africa
Raghavendra Kumar Kanike, Nanjing University of Information science and Technology, Nanjing, China; and R. K. Boiyo and T. Zhao

MODIS Retrievals of Cloud Effective Radius Exhibit No Significant Bias
Mikael K. Witte, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. Y. Chuang, T. Yuan, S. Platnick, K. Meyer, G. Wind, and H. H. Jonsson

An Evaluation of Satellite Cloud Retrievals in Tropical West Africa
Peter G. Hill, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; and J. Y. C. Chiu, R. P. Allan, H. Coe, R. Dupuy, V. Hahn, R. Ladkin, A. Schwarzenboeck, J. Taylor, and C. Voigt

Cloud Optical Depth and Cloud Solar Radiative Effects Computed at São Paulo, Brazil
Jorge R. Santana, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and M. A. Yamasoe

Handout (1.1 MB)

A New 3D Surface Snow Model and Effect of Sastrugi on Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function of Surface Snow
Gang Hong, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and W. L. Smith Jr., P. Minnis, S. Sun-Mack, and Y. Chen

Spectral Decomposition of Cloud Radiative Feedbacks: A Kernel Approach
Xianglei Huang, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and X. Chen and Q. Yue

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner