Wednesday, 22 August 2012: 9:15 AM
Priest Creek C (The Steamboat Grand)
The HiRmod project (High resolution atmospheric modelling in complex terrain for future climate simulations) aimed at preparing for near-future very high resolution climate simulations in complex topographical regions to be able to also "see" the underlying topography, land-use, etc. This included work on computational aspects, physical parameterisations, background data, and many more. A three-month time slice simulations covering Austria was carried out using the WRF ARW 3.2.1 model. A four domain setup was used covering Austria with a resolution of 0.8 km, and the Greater Alpine Region (GAR) with 2.4 km resolution. The simulation starts on 20 August and ends on 01 December 1999. This episode is also included in the MAP where a SOP in the Brenner/Innsbruck region and in the Rhine Valley, both included in the 0.8 km domain, was conducted. Furthermore, the year 1999 is included in climate simulation studies as in e.g. the reclip:century project which produced an Austrian "ensemble" data set based on CCLM and MM5 simulations with 10 km resolution. The European CORINE CLC06 data, consisting of 44 land-use classes and 100 m horizontal resolution, was remapped to the 24 USGS classes and implemented in WRF. Also higher resolved topography data was implemented in WRF. This was carried out within the HiRmod project. Simulation results are compared with observation data, including MAP as well as with the Austrian reclip:century project and gridded observations.