During IOP 6, the University of Wyoming King Air performed three research flights. The first two flights, on the afternoon of 24 March 2006 and the morning of 25 March 2006, used a repeated box pattern, which contained multiple tracks parallel to the Sierra ridge including across Kearsarge Pass. During the 24 March flight, a distinct westerly flow was observed downstream of Kearsarge Pass which was not present downwind of the adjoining ridges or at the surface where southerly flow was dominant. In the morning flight of 25 March, westerly flow was observed along the entire downstream ridge and intermittent bursts of westerlies were seen in the surface observing network. A numerical simulation of this event was performed with the Naval Research Laboratory's Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS). The model correctly produced only southerly surface flow on the 24th and isolated gap jet structures on the morning of the 25th preceding a more continuous push of westerlies.