14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere


The Stratospheric response to doubled CO2 in two chemistry-climate models

Margaret M. Hurwitz, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; and P. Braesicke, O. Morgenstern, and J. A. Pyle

This study examines the impact of doubling CO2 on stratospheric dynamics and ozone in two chemistry-climate models. Previous work by these authors, using a climate model with parameterized stratospheric ozone chemistry, found a dependence of northern hemisphere (NH) polar vortex strength on background CO2 concentration; the polar vortex showed a weakening due to O3 depletion in present-day conditions, but a strengthening in a double-CO2 atmosphere. This work is compared with results from the UK Chemistry and Aerosol model (UKCA), a new chemistry-climate model with interactive stratospheric chemistry. Integrating UKCA at both present-day and doubled CO2 concentrations, small ensembles are constructed by imposing small changes on the initial CO2 concentrations for each of the ensemble members. The ensemble mean changes in polar vortex strength and ozone concentrations during mid- and late winter, in both hemispheres, are assessed.

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Session 7, The Past and Future of Middle Atmosphere Modeling: A Session in Honor of Byron A. Boville
Thursday, 23 August 2007, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Multnomah

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