Poster Session 6 |
| Gravity Wave Observations, Modeling and Parameterization |
| Chair: Peter Preusse, Juelich Research Center, 52425 Juelich Germany
| | P6.1 | Lower-stratospheric and upper-tropospheric disturbances observed by radiosondes over Thailand during January 2000 S. -Y. Ogino, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan; and K. Sato, M. D. Yamanaka, and A. Watanabe |
| | P6.2 | Estimation of gravity-wave momentum flux in the Antarctic stratosphere using observations from long-duration balloons Gillian Boccara, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France; and A. Hertzog, R. A. Vincent, and F. Vial |
| | P6.3 | Observation of Gravity Waves by infra-red limb-sounding from satellites Xiuping Yan, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom; and N. Arnold and J. Remedios |
| | P6.4 | Gravity wave and turbulence spectra parameters in the stratosphere retrieved from stellar scintillation measurements by GOMOS Viktoria Sofieva, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland; and A. S. Gurvich and F. Dalaudier |
| | P6.5 | Using satellite radiance data to validate resolved and parameterized orographic gravity waves in global models Stephen Eckermann, NRL, Washington, DC; and J. Ma, D. Broutman, D. L. Wu, M. J. Alexander, J. T. Bacmeister, L. Coy, J. D. Doyle, T. F. Hogan, B. N. Lawrence, and A. Stephens |
| | P6.6 | Lagrangian spectral parameterization of gravity wave drag induced by cumulus convection in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS5) GCM In-Sun Song, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and J. T. Bacmeister |
| | P6.7 | Influences of meridional circulation on driving the SAO in a T213L256 AGCM Shingo Watanabe, Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; and Y. Tomikawa, Y. Kawatani, M. Takahashi, and K. Sato |
| | P6.8 | Systematic Model-Data Differences and Optimization of Forced Modes of the MLT dynamics: Zonal Mean Flow and Migrating Diurnal Tide Valery Yudin, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. Sassi |
| | P6.9 | Gravity wave sources and spectra appearing in a mesoscale model simulation of the Maritime Continent A.D. Hassiotis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; and T. J. Kane |
| | P6.10 | Far-Field Mountain Waves Radiated from Nonlinear Orographic Flow Regimes John D. Lindeman, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA; and D. Broutman, S. Eckermann, Z. Boybeyi, J. Ma, and J. W. Rottman |
| | P6.12 | Testing Lagrangian theories of internal wave spectra Gary Klaassen, York Univ., Toronto, ON, Canada; and L. Sonmor |
| | P6.13 | Modal and nonmodal perturbations of monochromatic inertia-gravity waves: Linear and primary nonlinear dynamics Ulrich Achatz, Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Kuehlungsborn, Germany |