The long e-folding time scales for the zonal index are found to be consistent with an unrealistically strong and persistent eddy-zonal mean flow feedback. A calculation of the refractive index indicates that the background flow supports eddies that are trapped within midlatitudes, undergoing relatively little meridional propagation.
Additional model runs are performed with an idealized mountain to investigate whether zonal asymmetry can disrupt the eddy feedback. The time scale in these runs is reduced to about 30 days except in very high mountain run. It is found that the stationary eddies excited by the mountain weaken the time-mean potential vorticity gradient over a broad region, and lead to the formation of critical latitudes on the equatorward side of the jet. As a result, eddies propagate equatorward, and the zonal index events are replaced by shorter time scale poleward propagation. It is these changes to the time-mean flow that disrupt the eddy feedback and substantially reduce the time scale of the zonal index.