17th Conference on Air Sea Interaction

Session 5

 Sea Surface Physics, Including Waves, Whitecaps, and Aerosol Generation: 2. Laboratory, Field, and Satellite Observations
 Chair: G. L. Geernaert, LANL, Los Alamos, NM
10:30 AM5.1First extensive whitecap database and its use to study whitecap fraction variability  extended abstract
Magdalena D. Anguelova, NRL, Washington, DC ; and M. H. Bettenhausen, W. Johnston, and P. W. Gaiser
10:45 AM5.2Influence of ocean surface processes on gas transfer during SO-GasEx   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Christopher J. Zappa, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY; and W. McGillis, A. Cifuentes-Lorenzen, J. B. Edson, M. DeGrandpre, C. Sabine, L. Bariteau, and C. Fairall
11:00 AM5.3Measuring rain-induced momentum exchange at the ocean surface under low wind speed conditions  
Emily L. Harrison, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE; and F. Veron
11:15 AM5.4Dynamics of the airflow above breaking and non-breaking waves  
Marc Buckley, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; and F. Veron
11:30 AM5.5Critical Layer Depth and its Implication on the Wave Growth Parameter for the Southern Ocean   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen, University of Connecticut, Groton, CT; and J. B. Edson and C. J. Zappa
11:45 AM5.6Air-sea momentum flux in the presence of frequent wave breaking events: theory and laboratory observations   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Tetsu Hara, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI; and B. K. Haus and T. Kukulka

Tuesday, 28 September 2010: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Capitol AB

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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