Session 13 |
| Interactions Between Tropical Convection and the Large Scale Circulation II |
| Chair: William R. Boos, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
| 8:00 AM | 13.1 | Convectively-coupled gravity waves in the tropics  Stefan N. Tulich, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and G. Kiladis |
| 8:20 AM | 13.2 | Gravity waves in shear and implications for organized convection  Samuel N. Stechmann, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; and A. J. Majda |
| 8:40 AM | 13.3 | Comparison of the analytical and numerical model for convectively coupled gravity waves  Zeljka Fuchs, University of Split, Split, Croatia; and S. L. Sessions and D. J. Raymond |
| 9:00 AM | 13.4 | Horizontal scale selection associated with mesoscale gravity wave - convection coupling  Todd P. Lane, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; and F. Zhang |
| 9:20 AM | 13.5 | MJO sensitivity to basic state and parameterization in an atmospheric general circulation model  Eric D. Maloney, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and W. M. Hannah |
| 9:40 AM | 13.6 | A simple dynamical model with features of convective momentum transport Andrew J. Majda, New York University, New York, NY; and S. N. Stechmann |