Session 3 |
| Satellite Observations of the Middle Atmosphere I |
| Organizer: Linnea M. Avallone, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Chair: Jessica L. Neu, University of California, IRvine, Irvine, CA
| 1:50 PM | 3.1 | The total hydrogen budget of the equatorial upper stratosphere  Jonathan E. Wrotny, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C.; and G. E. Nedoluha, C. Boone, G. Stiller, and J. P. McCormack |
| 2:10 PM | 3.2 | The effect of the solar cycle on water vapor in the mesosphere over Mauna Loa from 1992-2009  G. E. Nedoluha, NRL, Washington, DC; and R. M. Gomez, B. C. Hicks, J. E. Wrotny, C. Boone, and A. Lambert |
| 2:30 PM | 3.3 | Constraining the ClO / ClOOCl equilibrium constant from Aura MLS measurements of nighttime ClO Michelle L. Santee, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and L. Froidevaux, S. P. Sander, N. J. Livesey, and G. L. Manney |
| 2:50 PM | 3.4 | Momentum budget of the migrating diurnal tide  Ruth S. Lieberman, Northwest Research Associates, Colorado Research Associates Division, Boulder, CO; and D. Riggin, D. A. Ortland, and Q. Wu |
| 3:10 PM | 3.5 | Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Compared with MLS Temperatures and Water Vapor Measurements  Eric P. Shettle, NRL, Washington, DC; and G. E. Nedoluha, M. T. DeLand, G. E. Thomas, and J. J. Olivero |