The analysis is based on reconstruction of GW and turbulence spectra parameters by fitting the modeled scintillation spectra to the measured ones. We use a two-component spectral model of air density irregularities: the first component corresponds to the gravity wave spectrum, while the second one describes locally isotropic turbulence resulting from GW breaking and other instabilities. The retrieval of GW and turbulence spectra parameters - structure characteristics, inner and outer scales of the GW component - is based on the maximum likelihood method.
In this presentation, we show global distributions, seasonal and interannual variations of the GW and turbulence spectra parameters retrieved from GOMOS data in 2002-2005, for altitudes 30-50 km. In addition, we show global distributions of GW potential energy per unit mass and of turbulent structure characteristic CT2. In our presentation, we pay special attention to gravity wave breaking. Since other measurements at such small scales are very scarce in this altitude range, the obtained global distributions provide unique and complementary information about small-scale air density irregularities in the stratosphere.