Monday, 8 June 2009
Stowe Room (Stoweflake Resort and Confernce Center)
Transverse cirrus bands are often observed in a variety of tropospheric weather systems, but the dynamical processes leading to their formation are still not well understood. In this presentation we first survey the current state of dynamical knowledge about these linear cloud features. The occurrence of transverse cirrus bands in a wide range of atmospheric phenomena is examined using remote sensing: jet streams, tropical cyclones, midlatitude mesoscale convective systems and extratropical cyclones. The common characteristics among these banding events, despite the diversity of weather systems leading to their occurrence, are emphasized. In the second half of the presentation, observational case studies of transverse banding events in association with aviation turbulence are presented. The synoptic-scale and mesoscale dynamical environments associated with the formation and maintenance of the bands are examined in detail.