Here we conduct the first multi-scale test of the marsupial paradigm by revisiting the problem of the transformation of an idealized African easterly wave-like disturbance into a tropical storm vortex. An idealized multiply-nested configuration of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is employed using an initial zonal flow consistent with the observed zonal flow during Phase III of GATE and with NCEP analyses over the western Atlantic. An analysis of the evolving winds, equivalent potential temperature, and relative vertical vorticity is presented from coarse (28 km), intermediate (9 km) and high resolution (3.3 km) simulations. The results are found to support key elements of the marsupial paradigm by demonstrating the existence of a vorticity dominant region with minimal strain within the critical layer pouch that contains strong cyclonic vorticity and high saturation fraction. This localized region within the pouch serves as the ³attractor² for an upscale ³bottom up² development process while the wave and pouch move together.
Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to a newly proposed field experiment for the most active period of the Atlantic hurricane season in 2010/2011 that is to be conducted collaboratively between the NOAA and the NSF.