Session 13B | |||
Chair: Peter A. Taylor, York University, Toronto, ON Canada | |||
10:30 AM | 13B.1 | The effect of leads in the sea-ice on the Antarctic boundary layer: a high-resolution study using a parallelized LES model Björn Witha, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany; and S. Raasch | |
10:45 AM | 13B.2 | Arctic boundar-layer inversions from SHEBA observations and ERA-40 reanalysis data Michael Tjernström, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden; and R. G. Graversen | |
11:00 AM | 13B.3 | Cloud and inversion characteristics over the Arctic pack ice Joseph Sedlar, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; and M. Tjernström | |
11:15 AM | 13B.4 | Downward sensible heat flux and decoupling over snow-covered surfaces Timo Vihma, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland | |
11:30 AM | 13B.5 | Effect of surface heterogeneity on energy fluxes during the SHEBA winter ![]() P. O. G. Persson, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO; and E. L. Andreas, C. W. Fairall, A. A. Grachev, P. S. Guest, and J. A. Maslanik | |
11:45 AM | 13B.6 | Effect of microphysical parameterization on the simulation of high-latitude surface energy budget and boundary-layer structure P. O. G. Persson, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO; and A. B. Solomon, M. Shupe, H. Morrison, and J. -. W. Bao | |
12:00 PM | 13B.7 | Characteristics of near-surface atmospheric flow and turbulent heat fluxes under highly stable conditions over a snow-covered alpine glacier Hendrik Huwald, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; and M. B. Parlange, C. Higgins, E. Bou-Zeid, M. Calaf-Bracons, and C. Meneveau | |
12:15 PM | 13B.8 | Surface-layer properties on the eastern Antarctic plateau and its adjacent slopes Mingyu Zhou, Polar Research Institute of China, Pudong, Shanghai, China; and S. Zhong, Z. Zhang, D. H. Lenschow, H. -. M. Hsu, W. -. Q. Yao, Z. Gao, S. Li, and B. Sun |
Thursday, 12 June 2008: 10:30 AM-12:15 PM, Aula Magna Höger
* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting