Monday, 9 June 2008
As part of AMMA (African Monsoon Multi-disciplinary Analysis) a number of Scintec MFAS 64 sodar systems were deployed between May and September 2006 in the remote bush of Niger. Two of these sites were located at Banizoumbu (13.523N, 2.630E, elevation 232m, approximately 150km north east of the Niger capital, Niamey) and Dudou (13.203N, 2.622E, elevation 235m, approximately 150km south east of Niamey). The Temperature Structure Parameter, CT2, was retrieved from the raw backscatter signal calibrated using surface heat flux and temperature measurements from the Mobile Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) facility located at Niamey Airport (13.444 N, 2.176E, elevation 223m), facilitating the inter-comparison of observed boundary layer structure between the two sites. The resultant structure revealed in CT2 space, its diurnal evolution, and the variation between nominally similar sites will be presented here.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner