In the present analysis we evaluate the cospectral characteristics of the Tdp/dx term from the horizontal heat flux budget, and the pw term from the TKE budget. In addition, we also examine the term udp/dx that is present in the budget of the streamwise velocity component of the TKE budget (u2). Monin-Obhukov scaling arguments are used to derive the wavenumber dependence of each of the three terms in the inertial subrange: k-7/3 for Tdp/dx; k-8/3 for pw; and k-5/3 for udp/dx. These predictions are then evaluated using the RASEX cospectra. Following the methodology of Kaimal et al., formulae are derived for the cospectral values at a fixed frequency value in the inertial subrange, and these are used to collapse the cospectra in the inertial subrange. The cospectrum of udp/dx is unusual in that it changes signs at nz/U ~ 0.1 under unstable stratification, with it being a loss term at higher frequencies (consistent with return to isotropy arguments) but a gain at lower frequencies.