10.5 On the interactions between planetary geostrophy and mesoscale eddies in the oceans

Wednesday, 15 June 2011: 9:30 AM
Pennington AB (Davenport Hotel and Tower)
I. G. Grooms, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York, NY; and K. Julien and B. Fox-Kemper

We use multiple-scales asymptotics to investigate the interactions between large-scale planetary-geostrophic dynamics and mesoscale quasigeostrophic eddies in the oceans. We revisit and amplify the original analysis of Pedlosky (Pedlosky, J., 1984. Journal of Physical Oceanography 14, 448-455.). This original analysis did not include a mechanism for eddies to feed back onto the large-scale dynamics; in the new analysis we show how such a connection is possible. In particular, we show that two-way coupling between the large- and meso-scale dynamics occurs whenever the large-scale flow is anisotropic, for example in western boundary currents and the Antarctic circumpolar current. We also present results from simulations of the large-scale equations including eddy effects with simple geometry and forcing.
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