11.4 Rossby solitary waves embedded in equatorial jets

Wednesday, 15 June 2011: 11:30 AM
Pennington AB (Davenport Hotel and Tower)
John P. Boyd, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and C. Zhou

Extending our previous work on nonlinear Kelvin traveling waves, we have numerically calculated Rossby solitary waves in idealized equatorial jets in the nonlinear shallow water (1-1/2 layer) model. The calculations are difficult because the shear induces resonances between the Rossby soliton and a plethora of other equatorial modes: this is both a physical and a computational complication. We discuss insights from the theory of weakly nonlocal solitary waves and hyperasymptotic perturbation theory.

We solved the nonlinear eigenvalue problem using a two-dimensional spectral Galerkin method to discretize the partial differential equations into a large system of algebraic equations which were solved by Newton's iteration with Armijo line search; continuation in amplitude supplied the initialization at each amplitude.

The shear-embedded vortex solitons qualitatively resemble mature Tropical Instability Vortices (TIVs), much more closely than to the shear-free analytic KdV solitary waves of earlier work of Boyd's, but the quantitative agreement is not close.

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