Expanding on the ideas in Raymond and Sessions (2007), we further investigate the role of stability in convection using a cloud resolving model (CRM) in the WTG approximation. To implement WTG, we specify a reference profile of potential temperature which is representative of the environment surrounding the domain. This reference profile is maintained in the model by imposing a hypothetical vertical velocity which counters buoyancy anomalies produced by heating. In an ``unperturbed'' state, the reference profile is generated by running the CRM to radiative convective equilibrium (RCE) in non-WTG mode. In RS07, the RCE reference profile was perturbed to mimic the effect of an easterly wave by imposing a cooling in the lower troposphere and warming aloft, thus increasing atmospheric stability.
The current work expands on RS07 in two ways: 1) Rather than prescribing a specific perturbation to the reference profile, we incorporate observational soundings from the TPARC-TCS08 field program; 2) In addition to considering the effect of increased stability on NGMS and precipitation rate, we also investigate the relationship between stability, saturation fraction (precipitable water divided by saturated precipitable water), and precipitation rate.
In order to incorporate observational temperature and moisture profiles in our WTG simulations, we subtract profiles taken during a non-developing disturbance (analogous to RCE) from those taken during various stages of developing typhoon Nuri. The difference is then added to the RCE reference profile to represent the local environment in the genesis stages in several WTG simulations. The modeled results compare quite well to the observations.
An important extension to the analysis portion of RS07 is the consideration of the sensitivity of precipitation to saturation fraction, and specifically how this is affected by changes in the environmental stability. To quantify this relationship, we introduce an ``instability index'', defined as the average saturated moist entropy in the lower troposphere minus the average mid-tropospheric saturated moist entropy. Changes in the vertical profile of potential temperature are quantified by the instability index and compared to the saturation fraction, NGMS, and precipitation rate.