Monday, 13 June 2011: 9:30 AM
Pennington AB (Davenport Hotel and Tower)
The effects of dynamical framework on simulations of tropical intra-seasonal variability are being investigated using a set of aqua-planet experiments. Both global and regional models are used, with the global model providing large-scale boundary conditions for the regional model. Simulations are being performed using different dynamical cores, model resolutions, as well as domain configurations. By using an identical suite of physics parameterizations in both global and regional models, numerical experiments are designed to isolate and quantify the effects of dynamical cores, resolution and lateral boundary conditions. Analyses will be presented on the tropical intra-seasonal variability in the aqua-planet experiments. Results from these idealized simulations will form the basis of a hierarchical framework for evaluating idealized to real world simulations of regional climate and hydrological cycle.