8 Communicating lower stratospheric ozone losses to the arctic polar vortex: Role of zonally asymmetric ozone

Monday, 13 June 2011
Pennington C (Davenport Hotel and Tower)
John R. Albers, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and T. Nathan

Handout (703.7 kB)

We have recently proposed that zonally asymmetric ozone (ZAO) operates on the middle atmosphere along two distinct pathways. Along the first pathway (P1), ZAO alters the planetary wave drag (PWD) and vertical energy flux (VEF) of vertically propagating planetary waves; the changes in PWD and VEF are imparted via ZAO induced changes in wave propagation and wave attenuation (damping). Pathway two (P2) modifies the zonal-mean circulation by altering the zonal-mean heating rate via wave-ozone flux convergences. Pathways P1 and P2 combine to alter the zonal-mean circulation. In light of the significant ozone losses that occurred during 2004-2005 in the lower stratosphere at high northern latitudes, we investigate how perturbations to the zonal-mean ozone distribution of the lower stratosphere are communicated to the entire stratosphere and lower mesosphere along the pathways outlined above. Important questions that will be addressed include: i) Do changes in the horizontal and vertical gradients in zonal-mean ozone due to arctic ozone losses impact the vertical flux of planetary wave energy via ZAO; ii) Can ZAO provide a pathway to communicate and amplify stratospheric ozone losses local to the lower stratosphere to the entire stratosphere and lower mesosphere?
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner