In mid-latitudes, the wind minimum in the low stratosphere acts like a “valve layer”, where the ambient wind speed controls wave breaking there. If waves survive the valve layer, they can penetrate deep into the upper stratosphere and mesosphere. Wherever they break down, they generate an irregular wake of potential vorticity banners associated with the momentum deposition.
As mountain wave events usually persist for less than 48 hours, transient effects are important. Typically, the shorter waves with their small u-power and fast group velocity will reach and dissipate in the mesosphere within six hours. The longer waves will slowly accumulate in the low stratosphere and may break later. Thus, while the wave energy propagates upward, the wave breaking descends with time.
Finally, we describe the roles of anisotropy and non-linearity in wave generation from complex terrain. We show that the mountain wave momentum flux vector can be well predicted as the product of the low-level wind vector and a positive-definite 2 by 2 drag matrix; computed in Fourier space from the terrain power spectrum.