In this contribution, results from the Bolzano Tracer Experiment (B-TEX), which was performed on 14 February 2017 near the city of Bolzano in the Eastern Italian Alps, are presented. The city lies in a basin, surrounded by high alpine crests, where four tributary valleys join. The experiment was part of a project aiming at the optimal design of a permanent air-quality-station network for monitoring long-term effect of pollutants emitted by the incinerator, as well as to outline possible scenarios of pollutant dispersion under accidental release. The experiment included two 1-h-long releases of a passive tracer from the stack of an incinerator plant located south to the city: one during the early morning, under stable meteorological conditions and weak Northerly winds, and the second in the early afternoon, under weak convection and a light Southerly wind. Also a very peculiar feature of the area was detected by wind profilers, i.e. a low-level valley-exit jet entering the basin through one of the tributary valleys outlet. Tracer concentrations were then measured at selected points in the surroundings. Before and during the releases a modelling chain was run coupling the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with two different dispersion models: the CALPUFF semi-lagrangian gaussian puff model and the SPRAYWEB particle lagrangian model. After the experiment a verification of the modeling chain was performed, including a sensitivity analysis to initial/boundary conditions as well as to parameterizations of boundary-layer and turbulent dispersion processes and model setup.
Results from the field campaigns, as well as from simulations performed under different model-chain design and setup, are presented and discussed.