Quantification of plume meandering motions in the stable boundary layer
April L. Hiscox, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA; and D. R. Milller and C. J. Nappo
Continuous lidar measurements of elevated plume dispersion and corresponding micrometeorology data are analyzed to establish the relationship between plume behavior and nocturnal boundary layer dynamics. Contrasting nights of data from the JORNADA field campaign in the New Mexico desert are analyzed. The aerosol lidar measurements were used to separate the plume diffusion (plume spread) from plume meander (displacement). Durations of TKE stationarity and the wind steadiness were used to characterize the local scale and submesoscale turbulence. Plume meander, driven by submesoscale wind motions, was responsible for most of the total horizontal plume dispersion in weak and variable winds and strong stability. Local turbulence stationarity and the wind steadiness are demonstrated to be closely related to plume diffusion and plume meander, respectively.
Session 11A, Stable Boundary Layers III
Friday, 6 August 2010, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Torrey's Peak I&II
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