29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Wavelet analysis of multi-scale properties of eddy-covariance and fluxes

Gengsheng Zhang, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA; and M. Y. Leclerc and M. J. Parker

Different from Fourier transform which only gives information on scale and intensity in average over the considered time period, wavelet transform is a local transform that gives information on scale, intensity and location of features in time series. Multi-scale properties of eddy-covariance and fluxes of momentum, heat, water vapor and CO2 are analyzed using cross-wavelet transform in this paper, with the eddy-covariance data measured on TV tower at Savannah River Site, SC, in April-May, 2009. The influence of the atmospheric stability on the multi-scale properties is discussed.

Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Monday, 2 August 2010, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM, Castle Peak Ballroom

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