Session 11B |
| Boundary-layer Processes V |
| Chair: Paul Bieringer, NCAR, Boulder, CO
| 10:30 AM | 11B.1 | Intermittency of turbulence within open canopies Young-Hee Lee, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea |
| 10:45 AM | 11B.2 | Defining Boundary Layer Height from Aircraft and Rawinsonde Measurements
Recorded presentation Qing Wang, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; and C. Dai, Z. Gao, M. Zhou, and D. H. Lenschow |
| 11:00 AM | 11B.3 | An evaluation of large-eddy numerical simulations of near-surface winds and chemical dispersion during the FFT-07 field program
Recorded presentation Paul Bieringer, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and A. Wyszogrodzki, J. Weil, G. Bieberbach, and N. Platt |
| 11:15 AM | 11B.4 | High resolution boundary layer dispersion simulation study using Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches with WRF Branko Kosovic, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. Bieringer, J. Weil, A. Wyszogrodski, and G. Bieberbach |
| 11:30 AM | 11B.5 | Large-eddy simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves
Recorded presentation Yuki Kuroki, National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan |
| 11:45 AM | 11B.6 | A local model of the subfilter-scale energy for LES of the atmospheric boundary layer
Recorded presentation Scott T. Salesky, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; and M. Chamecki |